Nedyalko Nedyalkov – I Want To Say

“I Want to Say” is truly a unique and thrilling musical experience. Nedyalko Nedyalkov, Buigaria’s premier kaval player has assembled a group of masterful Balkan musicians to perform a wide range of Balkan genres, both traditional and fusions. From Balkan Village songs to BUlgarian wedding music to vintage Romani melodies to classical Turkish to Latin jazz to western classical, each piece on this album is expertly performed in an original arrangement. The combination of traditional music, skillful and inventive improvisation and fusion produce an exciting musical journey. Several regions are featured, including Thrace and Pirin in Bulgaria, as well as neighboring Romania and Turkey. The range of material is vast and the versatility required for switching genres is extremely demanding; for example a Rhodope song merges into jazz, and a Baroque symphonic composition by Georgi Andreev features a “Aria of the Rhodopes” and “Final”. Superb guest musicians inciude Turkish kanun player Hakan GUngor and Greek oud player Kyriakos Tapakis, as well as Nedylako’s esteemed colleagues in Bulgaria: Peyo Peev – gadulka, Angel Dimltrov – guitar and tambura, Nikolay Antov – guitar, drummers and percussionists Stoyan Yankoulov and Ventzislav Radev. Rounding out the group is Nedyalko’s talented wife, vocalist Stoimenka Nedialkova. I reserve highest praise for Nedyalko, producer of this recording, and perhaps the most versatile musician in Bulgaria today. A master of traditional and “wedding style” music, he commands a vast array of Balkan regional styles and participates in many world music fusion projects. Listen to his superb interpretation of Romanian tilinca playing (Rumenitza). His technical ability is astounding and his sensitivity in phrasing and timbre is unparalleled. We are fortunate that he has given us this album.

Prof. Carol Silverman University of Oregon, USA

Nedyal, comme ses proches aiment ie nommer, fait partie de cette categorie de musiciens hors-normes qui semblent naturellement touches par is Grelce Divine. En tant que maitre inconteste du Kaval, son jeu instrumental virtuose, raffine et d’une aisance exceptionnelle est tout entier dedie a I’expression des sentiments profonds et Intenses.

Sa musique, ancree dans I’immensite des racines bulgares et balkanlques, nous rattache a l’Essentlel dans un total devouement communlcatif. Bien au-dela encore, II no us entraine dans un imaginaire qui depasse les limltes des styles et des genres pour se projeter dans un avenir sans fronth9re. II est dote d’une capaclte Impressionnante ill se fondre dans toutes les musiques, et anima par une curiosite insatiable II transcende les traditions pour inventer une vole nouvelle et unique. Son chant instrumental, d’une rare beaute, est soutenu par un souffle lumineux et agile nourrissant ses improvisations toujours insplrees et Inspirantes pour ceux qui ont la chance de partager la scene a ses cOtes. Chaque detail, chaque ornementation, chaque inflexion sonore contribue a edlfier une magniflque architecture sonore porteuse d’un feu creatlf Inepuisable. Seuls les Grands peuvent a ce point allier puissance et douceur, extreme rapidlte et lenteur intemporelle, rlgueur et intuition, force et souplesse; seuls les Grands ont Ie don d’apprivoiser Ie repertoire infini des chants du passe et de Ie faire entendre comme s’iI s’inventait pour la premiere fois. Quel est donc son secret? Provient-il de la bonte touchante de son elme ? De sa generosite humaine qui impose, sans jamais forcer, Ie respect? Est-ce sa gentiliesse communicative Ie rendant toujours disponible ? Est-ce sa jole rayonnante dans Ie partage ? Nul ne sauralt Ie dire … Le mystere vlbre en lui, et comme un grand orfevre Nedyalko Nedyalkov a fagonne son art pour Ie metamorphoser en un sublime diamant taille a la perfection.

Fabrizio Cassol-musicien et compositeur

Nedyalko Nedyalkov is among those charismatic musicians who clearly stand out as a neo-folkloric voice in the colorful bein(;! of contemporary music. A voice that keeps alive the memory of ancient messages and wild passions. A voice that travels with ease between the archaic and the modern, between the past and the present. Passing through the living school of wedding music and folk ensembles, inspiring attractive innovations in the genre of ethnojazz, leaving his tangible personal mark on the grand musical projects of emblematic artists such as Jordi Savall, Nedyalko visibly embodies the new attitude of the folk player, called to bring new perspectives on traditional music. It is no coincidence that he has accumulated a wide arsenal of expressive techniques – not for the sake of some inane universalism and not to beautify that inherited folkloric layer, closely tied to his artistic nature. His virtuoso music-making has a far broader message. Turning away from any sterile formulas, he invokes the freedom of creativity, a colorful flair for Balkan tuneS and metro-rhythms, the charm of appealing musical jokes or the spirit of contemplative moods deeply buried in the kaval-player tradition. He does it every time in a new and challenging way. As if to remind listeners of his affection for the rural tradition, yet also for the modern cosmopolitan world. What better chance to remember the wise meaning of the call: “Back to the future!”

Claire Levi-Prof.D.Sc.

Nedyalko Nedyalkov